Graham Bolton
iEDUCATION/i 1980-1983: University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom: BSc (Hons.) Computer Science iEMPLOYMENT/i b1983-1986/b: Logica BV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Programmer, Analyst, Project Manager; worked for: Shell Exploration, Philips Audio, Unilever Research, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, ESTEC b1986-1989/b: Relational Technology International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Consultant, Trainer, Product Manager; worked for: GAK, Hoogovens, KNMI, RIVM, Holland Heating, RUG, KUB, Bouwfonds, Computer Centrum Waterleidingbedrijven Overijssel, SHAPE, NATO iFREELANCE CONSULTANT/i b1989-1992/b: Worked for: Kuwait National Petroleum Company (Kuwait), United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (Italy), Bekaert Steel Cord (Belgium), Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (UAE), Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), ETISALAT (UAE), South African Ports Authority (RSA), Airtours (UK), Raytheon (NL) iEMPLOYER/i b1992-1995/b: Established Elegant Relational Development (ERD) with one employee; grew to 12 employees; clients included KNMI, Rotaform, Nationale Postcodeloterij, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid b1995-2003/b: Joined forces with SEAC to form Elegant Group; grew from 15 to 70 employees; new clients included Ministerie van Financiën, Ministerie van Defensie Telematica Organisatie, KLPD, Pon’s Automobiel¬handel, Elf Enterprise Caledonia, Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal, Sponsor Loterij, Essent Retail, Qua Raad, KPN Telecom, Het Financieele Dagblad, Bankgiro Loterij, Dycore, TPG Post 2004-2005: Sabbatical bAugust 2005: Established IfSQ, Institute for Software Quality./b iCONSULTANT/i Software Quality Measurement and Improvement bv b2005-present/b: Clients include Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal, Kluwer, ECT, ICTU, ICTRO, NUON, Raad voor de Rechtspraak, KPMG, Het Expertise Centrum, Guardia (DK), KPMG, InFoCo, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Centric, Elegant Group, Rijkswaterstaat, Colruyt (B), Alex Beleggersbank, Interpolis Verzekeringen, NS Reizigers, APG, Nationale Postcodeloterij iUnderstanding of how to write and maintain computer software (highlights)/i b1983/b: Worked on billing and timesheet system for the services of conscientious objectors on National Service in the Netherlands ("Tewerkgestelde Erkende Gewetensbezwaarders") b1984/b: Worked on system to automate core process of Gewestelijk Arbeidsbureaus (GAB’s): the matching of job-seekers with suitable jobs b1986/b: Worked on redesign of systems used by Gemeenschappelijk Administratiekantoor (GAK) for employers’ national insurance b1989/b: Responsible for the application architecture and database design for the modernization of all major systems used by the Kuwait National Petroleum Company b1992/b: Responsible for database design of integrated system for the South African Ports Authority b1994/b: Responsible for the redesign of the administration, payments and billing system for the Nationale Postcodeloterij b1996/b: Responsible for the application architecture and database design for an integrated vehicle importer and dealerships system for Pon’s Automobielhandel b1997/b: Advised on integration of two national lotteries (Sponsorloterij and Bankgiro Loterij) into the system used for the Nationale Postcodeloterij b2000/b: Responsible for project to produce a Football Intelligence Message Exchange System (FIMEXS) used by the Dutch and Belgian Police Forces during the Euro2000 European Football Championships iUnderstanding of the measurement of software quality (highlights)/i b1994/b: Retained to measure the quality of a system produced by a major software house; devised and applied a technique for the objective measurement of the quality of any source code; audit resulted in redesign and full reimplementation of project b1995/b: Retained by insurance reseller to measure quality of software produced by a major software house; audit resulted in extensive repairs to recently produced software b1996/b: Retained by national newspaper to assess software produced by a major software house; audit resulted in extensive repairs to recently produced software b1997-2003/b: Used and refined audit technique on 12 other projects to good result, working with Price Waterhouse Coopers, KPMG and other EDP auditors and accountants b2006-present/b: Delivered and managed delivery of Software Quality Scans, Workshops, Inspections, Coaching and Improvement Projects in the government, financial, commercial, industrial and non-profit sectors iUnderstanding of computer science and computer systems (highlights)/i b1983/b: Designed and built a compiler for the Algol language b1989/b: Designed and built a code generator for SQL and 4GL which was then used to produce dozens of mission-critical application programs and databases b1995/b: Established a set of metrics for the prediction of performance of database application programs b1996/b: Established a set of Software Defect Indicators for the measurement of the quality of computer program source code b2004/b: Designed FIESTA, an all-purpose, extensible template language for the generation of structured text (webpages, computer program source code, documentation, etc) using spreadsheet as a repository and text files for patterns; implemented an interpreter for it (used for numerous projects).